In praise of the passing parade

My Window_sill. A hole in the wall of life

Monday, January 25, 2010

Camp Cove 1788

Now, just inside the entrance to Sydney Harbour at South Head, at the headland to the west of Camp Cove in Sydney, is a small neglected memorial stone, with tributes to the short stay of the First Fleet while they looked for a site to establish a new nation, or at least a site for a penal colony.

Leaving no hint of their arrival in Kurnell Australia in 1788, the First Fleet had weighed anchors and followed the coastal cliffs to Sydney Cove, then turned in through the heads. The officers of the First Fleet seems to have looked at Manly, and moved on immediately.

Property next to Watson’s Bay looked like better real estate for a new world, than Brighton. They set up camp here on 21 January, 1788. But they were determined to find even better land and water for their colony, so a few people rowed down the harbour till they discovered Circular Quay.

When I found this memorial at Camp Cove a few years ago, it was covered with cobwebs on Australia day. This year the cobwebs had been blown away, and it was in reasonable condition. But still lonely looking, and its importance apparently forgotten by people celebrating Australia Day.

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